The Best free classifieds ads in Nigeria

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Frequently Asked Questions

Featured Ads appear as the first 4 slots in the list for a community search, directly under the Promoted Ad spots. They have a ‘Featured’ listing badge on the top left of the image thumbnail.
Features ads are the first ads to be seen when by visitors and users of
We got your back, we recommend:
Wait a bit while your ad is under review. It’s quite possible that our moderators are checking your advert and it will appear in search results within a few hours because modify ads also go under review after modifications.
To contact our Help Team,
We recommend you send an email to [email protected]

Note: If you need phone support for Feature Service enquiry, you may always request a call back with
Relax!! Our moderators could decline your ad for several reasons:
1. You’ve tried to post a few items within one ad. Please post each item separately.
2. You’ve posted nudity pictures or images that against our rules and regulations.
3. You’ve set an irrelevant price. Make sure to carry out some investigation of market value and input a fair price for your product.
4. Make the required edits and click on the “Submit” button. If everything is fine, your ad will be live within an 30min to 1hour.
5. We hope any issues you’ve faced will be resolved shortly. If you have any further issues please contact us.

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Buy and sell everything from used cars to mobile phones
and computers, or search for property, jobs and more in Nigeria.